Bio Characterization via FTIR and GCMS Analysis of Cucurbita variety (Yellow and White Pumpkin)
Cucurbita pepo L., Peel, White pumpkin, Yellow pumpkin, Ethyl acetate, GC-MSAbstract
The current study aimed to conduct phytochemical screening, FTIR, and GCMS analysis in squash (Cucurbita pepo L.,) also known as a yellow and white selected pumpkin. It’s one of the dicotyledonous vegetables consumed in daily diets that imparts high inhibitor properties of inflammation, cancer, and diabetes. Traditionally it is used as an anti-helminthic remedy. The phytochemical characterization can facilitate seeking out the substance with a therapeutic property. The peel, flesh, and seed sample of each pumpkin variety were used as sources and extracted consecutively with ethyl acetate and acetonitrile using the maceration method. Phytochemical screening and quantification were carried out by standard analytical methods. The functional groups of the sample extracts were analyzed using FT-IR methods. Further, phytochemical profiling was carried out utilizing the GCMS technique to identify the therapeutically important chemicals contained in the sample. Phytochemical analysis of ethyl acetate and acetonitrile extracts showed the presence of major components like alkaloids, phenol, carbohydrate, and proteins. The farthest alkaloid, phenol, carbohydrate, and protein varied consequently for different parts like peel, flesh, and seed. The FT-IR analysis of each extract in the peel, flesh, and seed revealed that the ethyl acetate extract had the most functional groups. The major peak was characterized at wavelength 3004.24 to 3421.05 nm which indicates O-H functional group. Further quantification and GC-MS analysis were performed in ethyl acetate extract. Remarkably, GC-MS analysis of yellow and white pumpkin ethyl acetate extracts showed the utmost 6 - 8 compounds within the flesh part. Further, employing these compounds for anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial assays may aid in the discovery of new drugs for therapeutic applications.
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