
Caution Against Fake Collaboration

We have come to know that some Indian publishers/ Indian Publication Houses are claiming the association with the Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences and are issuing acceptance letters to the authors on behalf of the Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences without any authorization from the journal. In this respect, we wish to inform you that the Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences does not have any publishing partner and has not authorized anybody to issue an acceptance letter or accept articles on behalf of the Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural sciences, if anybody receives such acceptance letters other than email please contact of journal management immediately to verify its genuineness.

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Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences now has SCOPUS indexing

UGC-CARE Indexed Journal

We are pleased to announce that Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences eissn 2320-8694 is now part of UGC-CARE list Group II Journal

Problem in Online Submission of Manuscripts 

It has come to the notice of JEBAS editorial office that some author face problem in online submission through ONLINE SUBMISSION SYSTEM (OSS). In such conditions, our esteemed authors are requested to submit the manuscript by email (Email: or contact the MANAGING EDITOR (Email: for any queries/clarifications regarding manuscript submission/handling. 

Indexed in International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations for JEBAS
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