Molecular identification of scale insect (Eulecanium giganteum) in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Insect DNA, MtCOI, PCR, Pest management, Sap-sucking pest, SequencingAbstract
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is a widely grown evergreen valuable medicinal, ornamental species planted in India. Scale insects are small herbivorous insects found on all continents and they are serious sap sucking pests of many ornamental plants. These scale insects are undetectable due to their tiny size, basic morphology, and polyphagous feeding nature. Hence, the management of these tiny insects become a serious concern across the globe. To afford a prospective solution to the problem, an accurate, simple, and developmental-stage-independent identification method is required, hence this study attempted the molecular identification of scale insect in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis using mitochondrial gene Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I (mtCOI) sequencing. The experiment was carried out by isolating insect DNA using a modified CTAB method. Through two or three rounds of error-prone PCR followed by a steady procedure to amplify a mtCOI region. This region of mtCOI has been used as a standard DNA barcode for a diverse array of taxa. The confirmation has been done by sequencing of mtCOI which suggest the highest similarities with Eulecanium giganteum. This study addresses the questions of biodiversity and molecular characterization of scale insects. Further, the information obtained in this study provides baseline data for future crop improvement programs and integrated pest management strategies.
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