Attention, Brain Computer Interface (BCI), Neurofeedback Training, Cognition, Electroencephalogram (EEG)Abstract
Technological innovations are now an integral part of healthcare. Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a novel technological intervention system that is useful in restoring function to people disabled by neurological disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), cerebral palsy, stroke, or spinal cord injury. This paper surveys the literature concerning the effectiveness of BCI on attention in subjects under various conditions. The findings of this scoping review are that studies have been made on ADHD, ALS, ASD subjects, and subjects recovering from brain and spinal cord injuries. BCI based neurofeedback training is seen to be effective in improving attention in these subjects. Some studies have also been made on healthy subjects.BCI based neurofeedback training promises neurocognitive improvement and EEG changes in the elderly. Different cognitive assessments have been tried on healthy adults. From this review, it is evident that hardly any research has been done on using BCI for enhancing attention in post-stroke subjects. So there arises the necessity for making a study on the effects of BCI based attention training in post-stroke subjects, as attention is the key for learning motor skills that get impaired following a stroke. Currently, many researches are underway to determine the effects of a BCI based training program for the enhancement of attention in post-stroke subjects.
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