FMDV, India, Quasispecies, SARS-CoV-2Abstract
Since the identification of the SARS-CoV-2, genus Beta- Coronavirus, in January 2020, the virus quickly spread in less than 3 months to all continents with a susceptible human population of about a 7.9billion, and still in active circulation. In the process, it has accumulated mutations leading to genetic diversity. Regular emergence of variants of concern/significance in different ecology shows genetic heterogeneity in the base population of SARS-CoV-2 that is continuously expanding with the passage of the virus in the vast susceptible human population. Natural selection of mutant occurs frequently in a positive sense (+) single-stranded (ss) RNA virus upon replication in the host. The Pressure of sub-optimal levels of virus-neutralizing antibodies and also innate immunity influence the process of genetic/ antigenic selection. The fittest of the mutants, that could be more than one, propagate and emerge as variants. The existence of different lineages, clades, and strains, as well as genetic heterogeneity of plaque purified virus population, justifies SARS-CoV-2 as ‘Quasispecies’ that refers to swarms of mutant sequences generated during replication of the viral genome, and all mutant sequences may not lead to virion. Viruses having a quasispecies nature may end up with progressive antigenic changes leading to antigenic plurality that is driven by ecology, and this phenomenon challenges vaccination-based control programs.
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