Identification of Genetic Diversity among Mutant Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. cv WANGI) Using Agro-Morphological Trait and Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) Molecular Markers
Agro-morphological analysis, Colocasia esculenta L. cv Wangi, M1V4 generation, Mutant lines, Genetic diversity TaroAbstract
Taro (Colocasia esculenta) is one of the traditional crops with enormous sources of dietary fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals contents. Mutation breeding using gamma radiation is one of the most preferred approaches used to induce mutation in taro studies. Molecular markers are widely used to detect such induced mutation and genetic diversity in plants. Therefore, the present study was carried out to evaluate genetic diversity among irradiated taro genotypes in comparison with standard taro variety by using simple sequence repeats (SSR). A total of 200 of M1V4 taro genotypes were used in this study derived from segregating population of chronic-gamma irradiated taro cv Wangi with different ranges of gamma dose. The agro-morphological results revealed that genotype exposure in T6 (120.12 Gy) has the highest plant height (54.53 cm), leaf length (32.24 cm), and leaf width (24.87 cm). Corm's weight was decreased significantly with an increased dose of treatment. All mutants recorded a lower number of corm weight as compared with the control genotype. Out of 10 SSR primers tested, 9 primers have successfully amplified 43 amplicons. The polymorphism information content (PIC) values of SSR markers ranged from 0.20 to 0.80. Cluster analysis classified taro into 3 subgroups mutant and parent genotypes. The results clearly showed that SSR markers are important tools to distinguish mutant genotypes and confirmed their usefulness for phylogenetic studies. Finally, the present investigation indicated that genotypes exposed by T6 (120.12 Gy) are promising high-yielding genotypes that can be recommended as new cultivars and possessed an attractive phenotype appropriate for ornamental use.
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