Effect of the Nucleotide and Turmeric Extract Supplementation and different Cage Floors on the Blood Profile and Physiological Status of Broiler Chicken
Bursa Fabricius Index, Respiratory Rate, Pulse Rate, Thermoregulation, Nucleotide, Tumeric extractAbstract
Climate change has been responsible for the high prevalence of heat stress (HS) among broiler chickens. In this research, efforts are made to curb the negative impact of HS on chickens by modifying the feed and cage floor. The blood profile and physiological responses of broiler chickens supplemented with nucleotide and turmeric powder and kept in different floor cages were recorded (litter, slatted, and combination of slat-litter). A total of 245 broiler day-old chicks (DOC) were randomly allotted to seven treatment groups of the combined supplementation of nucleotide and turmeric extract and different types of cage floor (litter, slate, combination of slat-litter) for 35-day maintenance. Each treatment was replicated five times. The supplementation of nucleotide and turmeric extract into feed and different types of cage floor did not significantly affect (P>0.05) body temperature, respiratory rate, pulse rate, lien index, PVC, TPP, heterophils, lymphocyte, and monocyte, but significantly affected (P<0.05) the erythrocyte level, hemoglobin, leukocyte, rectal temperature and the index of bursa fabricius of broilers. Results of this study concluded that the combined treatments of supplementing nucleotide and turmeric extract in feed and using slat-floored cages tend to reduce the comfort of broiler chickens.
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