The Impact of Elicitation on Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Production, Enzymatic and Antioxidant Activity in Nuevo León, Mexico
Defense responses, Elicitors, Fianna, Physiological, TuberAbstract
Many compounds available in the market act as elicitors and can be incorporated into agronomic management. But the focus is on elicitors frequently used for the induction of different responses related to the systemic resistance of plants to increase the production of bioactive metabolites, biomass accumulation, and yield. For that case, this work aimed to evaluate the effects of three elicitors on potato crops under field conditions. The potato cultivar "Fianna" was used, and a completely randomized design with four treatments and four repetitions. The effect of three elicitors at a dose of 2.5 g. L-1 for Activane®, 2.5 ml. L-1 for Micobiol® and 2.5 g. L-1 for Stemicol® was evaluated on growth, yield, enzymatic and antioxidant activity. Generally, the elicitors had a positive effect on the enzymes and antioxidant capacity of the potato plant. It was concluded that the application of elicitors Stemicol® (T4) had the most significant result on the number of tubers and weight per plant at harvest while allowing a more substantial number of tubers to be obtained. In comparison, Activane® (T2) influenced the growth variables of stem length and number of leaves per plant.
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