Metal Accumulation in Ekiti State's Three Major Dams' Water and Sediments, the Ecological Hazards Assessment and Consequences on Human Health
Heavy metals, Health risk assessment, Surface water, Hazard index, SedimentsAbstract
Water is indispensable to life. Consequently, water and sediment contamination poses severe ecological threats to life. Thus, this investigation aimed to evaluate metal deposition in the sediments and surface water in Ekiti State's three dams and to analyze its potential ecological effects on man's bodily, social, and mental well-being. Metal levels in sediments and dam water were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). Average values of the metals in Egbe, Ero, and Ureje dams, except for K, Mn, and Pb (in Ureje dam), were lower than the acceptable boundaries of local and foreign establishments. The values of the risk quotient (HQ) on the skin and consumption contacts with all metals (except Mn for ingestion exposure for children) were less than one in the Egbe, Ero, and Ureje dams for both adults and children. Consumption HQ values were higher than skin HQ values in the three dams for children and grown-ups. The total hazard index (HI) posed adverse non-carcinogenic risk to children in the catchment area of the dams while the adults were not affected by the non-carcinogenic hazard. The highest cancer hazard was found in the Ureje dam, while the lowest was in the Ero dam. Further, adults were prone to higher cancer risk than children. Using multiple pollution indices revealed that the sediments in Egbe, Ero, and Ureje dams were less contaminated by harmful metals in dry and wet periods. There is a need to reduce current polluting anthropogenic activities around the dams.
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