Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on tuberculosis management in India: A Brief Overview
Tuberculosis, COVID-19, Emerging viral infections, PandemicsAbstract
Chronicles suggests that emerging and re-emerging viral infections disrupting the normal lifestyle of humankind, whether in the form of HIV, Ebola, Influenza, Nepah, or the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Such viral infections disrupt the healthcare system along with the prevention and control of epidemics and pandemics, resulting in an increased burden of such diseases in the post-pandemic period. Tuberculosis (TB) routine services are interfered with by severe lockdowns due to the new COVID-19 virus. This article tried to measure the long-term epidemiological effects of such interruptions on TB prevalence in high-burden countries. The participating facilities performed a comprehensive review based on modifications to the care of TB patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Retrospectively, clinical factors and household contact information were collected from a literature survey. Researchers looked at numerous strategies over the following five years to see whether they might lessen the effects on TB incidence and death. Present comprehensive literature was collected and analyzed using suitable keywords such as "COVID-19," "Pandemics," "Tuberculosis," and "India" during the current COVID-19 pandemic to investigate the influence of COVID-19 on tuberculosis management. The present article looks at the effects of the breaks in the delivery of TB care in hospital and primary care settings. Lockdown, social isolation, measures to prevent viral transmission, and public health guidelines impacted tuberculosis care. The present study revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected numerous TB prevention, monitoring, and treatment programs. Still, these adverse effects are diminished by the prompt restoration of TB services and the application of particular therapies as soon as restrictions are lifted.
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