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Volume 7, Issue 3, June Issue - 2019, Pages:295-300

Authors: Rakesh Pandey, A.K. Chaturvedi
Abstract: Little leaf disease is distributed throughout the brinjal growing tracts. Farm experiments were conducted at five different locations with the technology developed by ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi during two consecutive years i.e., 2014-15 and 2015-16. The technologies assessed were FP (Farmers’ practice): no use of chemicals to manage little leaf disease, only use chemicals viz., Profenophos, Cypermethrin etc. for the management of shoot and fruit borer; SDS: seedling treatment for 20-30 minutes with (Streptomycin Sulphate  + Tetracyclin hydrochloride @ 150 ppm) +  destruction of the infected plants + need based foliar application of Streptomycin Sulphate  + Tetracyclin hydrochloride @ 150 ppm and Imidaclopirid @ 0.3 ml/l and STDS: SDS + installation of yellow sticky traps @ 15/ha after 20 days of transplanting for the management of vector i.e., leafhoppers. There were 46.27 to 57.63 per cent plants infested in FP (farmers’ practice). However, 33.55 to 43.88 per cent and 18.95 to 28.58 per cent plants were infested in SDS and STDS, respectively. The highest yield was observed in STDS (39.51 to 48.10 t/ha) followed by SDS (33.82 to 39.94 t/ha) and FP (23.26 to 32.88 t/ha) with the highest benefit cost ratio of 4.99 to 5.86 in STDS followed by 4.51 to 5.45 in SDS and 3.86 to 3.90 in FP (farmers’ practice). It is evident from the study that STDS not only increased the yield from 46.29 to 69.83 per cent but also increased net return from 57.86 to 89.35 per cent in comparison to farmers’ practice.
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